Upcoming Events
Science Match – Future Technologies
26.01.2017 (Thursday)
, 08:00 - 18:00
Ostrapark Erlwein-Forum , Messering 8E , 01067 Dresden

On January 26, the high-class event “Science Match – Future Technologies” will take place in Dresden for the first time! 100 researchers from Saxony - amongst them 8 from cfaed! – will give insights into their latest work in 3-minute-presentations, and report on cutting-edge research topics in technology and engineering. This innovative conference format connects science, business, politics, society, media and new talent. Already around 1.500 guests registered for the event.
Even if the general conference language is German, there will be many presentations in English.
These cfaed reseachers will give presentations:
- Frank Fitzek, Technische Universität Dresden
5G the Game Changer
- Sascha Hermann, Technische Universität Dresden
Carbon Nanotubes for High Performance Nanoelectronics
- Kambiz Jamshidi, Technische Universität Dresden
Silicon Photonics: An enabling technology for short-range interconnects
- Eduard Jorswieck, Technische Universität Dresden
Resource Sharing in Wireless Networks
- Karl Leo, Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP)
Organische Halbleiter - from Lab to Fab
- Martin R. Lohe, Technische Universität Dresden
Graphene - Beyond the hype. Neuartige Herstellungsmethode für Graphen mit besserer Prozessierbarkeit
- Thomas Mikolajick, nanoelectronic materials laboratory (namlab)
Ferroelektrisches Hafniumoxid
- Brigitte Voit, Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden
Funktionspolymere für optoelektronische Anwendungen – damit OLEDs besser leuchten und Organische Transistoren schneller schalten
The full list of speakers: http://science-match.tagesspiegel.de/future-technologies/referenten
Students, doctoral candidates, scientific assistants and young professionals with work experience can apply for a free attendance-scholarship.
The places are limited. Please apply here:
Check out these benefits of the scholarship:
• Free admission to the Future Technologies Science Match on January 26, 2017 in Dresden.
• Close contact with leading scientists, universities and research institutions, who present their current research topics.
• Connect with enterprises, universities, startups and fellow students as well as young professionals.
• Receive a one-year subscription of the daily newspaper Tagesspiegel as an e-paper and the daily electronic newsletters Tagesspiegel-Checkpoint and Tagesspiegel-Morgenlage.
Application Procedure:
• Please fill in the short application form as soon as possible.
• Candidates will be selected and contacted by their jury. There is no right of appeal.
• If you are successfully selected, your reservation for the attendance to the Future Technologies Science Match on January 26, 2017 is binding. In case you are unable to attend, please give notice in time by writing to future-technologies@tagesspiegel.de.
Important note: Do not forget to mention cfaed when applying! It is important that your application can be assigned to us!
Place: Ostrapark Erlwein-Forum, Messering 8E, 01067 Dresden, Germany.
Of course you will find the cfaed Career Team also there – just watch out for the cfaed booth!