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Prof. Madhavan Swaminathan , The Pennsylvania State University, USA

The Future of Heterogeneous Integration – Challenges & Opportunities

27.09.2023 (Wednesday) , 16:30 - 17:30
Barkhausenbau, BAR I88 , Helmholtzstraße 18 , 01069 TU Dresden

The global semiconductor industry is projected to become a trillion-dollar industry by 2030. This is historic considering that it took the industry 55 years to reach half a trillion dollars in size and will take just another 10 years to double in size to a trillion dollars. Advanced packaging is expected to play an important role in making this happen.
So, what are the key drivers, where are the challenges and what are the innovations necessary in advanced packaging over the next decade and beyond to be able to support heterogeneous integration? Why is semiconductor packaging becoming so important? These questions will be addressed in the context of emerging applications.

Prior to joining Penn State University, Madhavan Swaminathan was the John Pippin Chair in Microsystems Packaging & Electromagnetics in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Professor in ECE with a joint appointment in the School of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), and Director of the 3D Systems Packaging Research Center (PRC), Georgia Tech (GT). Prior to GT, he was with IBM working on packaging for supercomputers.
He is the author of 550+ refereed technical publications and holds 31 patents. He is the primary author and co-editor of 3 books and 5 book chapters, founder and co-founder of two start-up companies, and founder of the IEEE Conference on Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems (EDAPS), a premier conference sponsored by the IEEE Electronics Packaging Society (EPS). He is a Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), and has served as the Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) society. He is the recipient of the 2024 IEEE Rao R. Tummala Electronics Packaging Award (IEEE Technical Field Award) for contributions to semiconductor packaging and system integration technologies that improve the performance, efficiency, and capabilities of electronic systems.
He received his MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Syracuse University in 1989 and 1991, respectively.

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