Upcoming Events


Tomahawk 4 Evaluation Platform Workshop

14.10.2016 (Friday) Toeplerbau TOE203 , Mommsenstr. 12 , 01069 Dresden


The Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI-Systems and Neuro-Microelectronics and the Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems are happy to invite you to the


"Tomahawk 4 Evaluation Platform Workshop".


We like to show you the capabilities of the new chip and brainstorm about using this for future research within cfaed.


Date: Friday 14.10.2016 from 10:00 to 12:00

Location: Toeplerbau Toe203



- Welcome and chip overview

- Tomahawk 4 content by TUD-HPSN

- Tomahawk 4 content by TUD-MNS

- Evaluation Platform PCB and Access

- Brainstorming about platform usage within cfaed


Best regards





Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D. Eng.) Sebastian Höppner


Technische Universität Dresden

Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Institute of Circuits and Systems Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI Systems and Neuro-Microelectronics


D-01062 Dresden, Germany


Tel.:       +49 (351) 463 35864

Fax:        +49 (351) 463 37794

E-Mail: Sebastian.Hoeppner@tu-dresden.de

WWW: http://hpsn.et.tu-dresden.de/

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