- Welcome to FPL2021
- Committees & Contact
- Call for Contributions
- Authors Resources
- Registration
- Program
- Workshops and Tutorials
- Keynotes
- Invited Industrial Talks
- Sponsors
The safety and well-being of our conference participants is very important for us. In view of the still ongoing Covid-19 situation, the FPL 2021 Organizing Committee had decided to organize the conference as a virtual event from August 30th to September 3rd, 2021.
For queries regarding registration, please contact: ads@mailbox.tu-dresden.de
Authors Registration (full, short and project papers)
One author per accepted (full, short, and project) paper has to pay a registration fee of 200 euros per paper and is expected to register by August 25th. To pay the registration fee and to access the virtual conference system, the following two separate registration steps are needed:
- Step1: Paid registration via this link: Offers the option to pay the registration fee and to purchase extra pages at the cost of 70 euros per page. Authors of full papers can buy up to 2 extra pages, authors of short papers can buy max. 1 extra page.
- Step2: Registration on the whova platform: Please use here the “Full, short and Project Paper” tickets in the whova platform.
Please note that both steps above have to be done to complete the registration.
Authors Registration (PhD forum and demo night papers)
One author per accepted (PhD forum and demo night) paper is expected to register by August 25th using the “PhD forum and Demo Night” tickets in the whova platform.
Authors of PhD forum and demo night papers can register for free.
Attendee Registration
Please note that registrations without complete attendee information such as first and last names, email-id, and affiliation will be canceled.
Registration for attendees is free of charge and includes the main conference, along with access to all sessions, keynotes, discussions, workshops, and tutorials.
Data Protection Declaration
Download the pdf version of the Data Protection Declaration here.