European Research Council awards nearly two million euros for enginneering perovskite materials for (opto)electronics
Physicist and Electrical Engineer Prof. Dr Yana Vaynzof has received a highly endowed ERC Consolidator Grant for excellent young researchers from the European Research Council (ERC). The funds will be used to support a research project in the field of metal halide perovskite materials. The overall aim of the project is the development of novel engineering approaches to control the properties of these materials and their application in electronic and optoelectronic devices. The ERC will provide approximately two million euros in funding for a five-year period. Yana Vaynzof is the Chair for Emerging Electronic Technologies at the TU Dresden and the Director of the Institute for Emerging Electronic Technologies at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW). She was already awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2017.
Dr. Yana Vaynzof has been appointed as a new professor for Novel Electronics Technologies at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering on January 1, 2023. In addition, the multi-award-winning scientist will take over as director of the Institute for Novel Electronics Technologies at the Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW).
The group of Prof. Yana Vaynzof at the Integrated Center for Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP) and the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed) at Technische Universität Dresden has demonstrated a novel concept for solar cells, that exploits the ability of materials to exist in different crystalline phases. The related study has now been published in the renowned journal ‘Nature Energy’.
Schematic illustration of the modulation doping process and thermal voltage generation. (C) Shu-Jen Wang
Researchers from TU Dresden introduce a new path towards superior organic thermoelectric devices: highly efficient modulation doping of highly ordered organic semiconductors under high doping concentrations. The results have now been published in the renowned journal “Science Advances”.
Additional light emission is achieved by recursively recycling trapped photons in perovskites. Copyright: Dr. Changsoon Cho
Scientists from TU Dresden, in cooperation with researchers at Seoul National University (SNU) and Korea University (KU), demonstrated the role of the re-use of photons (known as ‘photon recycling’) and light scattering effects in perovskite solar cells, providing a pathway towards high-efficiency solar energy conversion. The study has been published in the renowned journal ‘Science Advances’.
In a joint effort between Pavia University (Italy) and the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden at Technische Universität Dresden (Germany), researchers developed a novel method to fabricate lead halide perovskite solar cells with record efficiency - publication in the renowned journal Science Advances.
In a joint experimental and theoretical effort between Lund University (Sweden), the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), and the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden at Technische Universität Dresden (Germany), researchers developed a novel spectroscopic technique for the study of charge carrier dynamics in lead halide perovskites - publication in the renowned journal Nature Communications.
Researchers from the Institute for Applied Physics (IAP) and the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed) at TU Dresden developed a general methodology for the reproducible fabrication of high efficiency perovskite solar cells. Their study has been published in the renowned journal Nature Communications.
Artistic representation of an ionic defect landscape in the perovskites. Graphics: Prof. Dr. Yana Vaynzof (TU Dresden/cfaed)
Joint research work between Chemnitz University of Technology and Technische Universität Dresden under Chemnitz leadership reveals ionic defect landscape in metal halide perovskites - publication in renowned journal Nature Communications
The group of so-called metal halide perovskites as materials has revolutionized the field of photovoltaics in recent years. Generally speaking, metal halide perovskites are crystalline materials that follow the structure ABX3, with varying composition. Here, A, B, and X can represent a combination of different organic and inorganic ions. These materials have a number of properties that are ideal for use in solar cells and could help to make optoelectronic devices such as lasers, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), or photodetectors much more efficient. With regard to the development of a resource- and energy-efficient technology, the relevance of research on these materials is very high.
Authors: Andreas Weu, Rhea Kumar, Julian F. Butscher, Vincent Lami, Fabian Paulus, Artem A. Bakulin, and Yana Yaynzof Journal: Advanced Functional Materials
Despite many advances toward improving the stability of organic photovoltaic devices, environmental degradation under ambient conditions remains a challenging obstacle for future application. Particularly conventional systems employing fullerene derivatives are prone to oxidize under illumination, limiting their applicability. Here, the environmental stability of the small molecule donor DRCN5T together with the fullerene acceptor PC70BM is reported. It is found that this system exhibits exceptional device stability, mainly due to almost constant short‐circuit current.