Carbon Nano Devices Group

Group Leader: Dr. Sascha Hermann
The Carbon Nano Devices has its R&D focus on industry compatible nanodevice technologies and the application of carbon-based nanomaterials in electronics and sensors. We concentrate on integration technologies and exploitation of the prospected high performance level of nanomaterials such as Carbon Nanotubes.
Our approach is a holistic consideration of the device process chain in the environment of a 200 mm research fab including the development of wafer-level tools for nanomaterial processing, control over material properties and assembly, process qualification and heterogeneous technologies for integration of new functions in ASIC, MEMS or System-on-a-Chip concepts.
In the current focus are nanomaterial-based FETs, high frequency CNT circuits for transceiver applications, integrated mechanical/biological/chemical sensors and flexible electronics & sensors.
Sascha Hermann studied physics and received his doctorate in electrical engineering with “summa cum laude” from the Chemnitz University of Technology in 2011 with a dissertation on the synthesis and integration of carbon nanotubes for advanced interconnect systems in integrated circuits. During the PhD time he laid the foundation for the research group Carbon Nano Devices situated at TU Chemnitz. On this basis he joined cfaed in 2013 as an independent research group leader coordinating the technology module in the Carbon Path. Having in focus to bring nanomaterials to real applications, he is also associated to the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nanosystems (ENAS). There he coordinates industry related projects on nanomaterial integration and technology transfer.