Chair News

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New paper on the topic: Solution-Processed Bismuth Oxide Iodide/Organic-Semiconductor Heterojunction for UV–vis-NIR Photoresponsive Electronics by Dr. Preetam Dacha, Vaidehi Lapalikar, Dr. Anju Kumari Rohit Lal, Dr. Mike Hambsch

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New paper on the topic: Solution Shearing of Sustainable Aluminum Oxide Thin Films for Compliance-Free, Voltage-Regulated Multi-Bit Memristors by Dr. Preetam Dacha, Dr. Anju Kumari Rohit Lal

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Congratulations to Dr. Preetam Dacha on successfully defending his PhD thesis with the title: Solution Shearing of Conjugated Polymers and Inorganic Metal Oxides for Electronic Devices.

All the best to you, Preetam. We wish you a good start into your new career.

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New paper on the topic: Organic Multibit Phototransistor Memories with High External Quantum Efficiency by Dr. Shaoling Bai, Dr. Katherina Haase, Dr. Mike Hambsch and Prof. Stefan Mannsfeld.

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Our team enjoyed a nice and sunny day exploring Kirnitzschtal. The journey began with a train ride from Dresden to Bad Schandau and after crossing the river Elbe with the ferry we embarked on a hike through the sandstone formations and forests of the valley. A picnic amidst nature provided the perfect opportunity to sit and chat together. To round off the experience, we took a nostalgic ride on the historic Kirnitzschtalbahn back to Bad Schandau. The day ended with a bbq at the university. It was a great day that we spent together as a team.

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New paper on the topic: Eco-Friendly Approach to Ultra-Thin Metal Oxides- Solution Sheared Aluminum Oxide for Half-Volt Operation of Organic Field-Effect Transistors by Preetam Dacha, Dr. Katherina Haase, Vojtech Millek

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Unser Lehrstuhl hat mit Freude an der "Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften" teilgenommen. Das Labor war geöffnet und wurde den ganzen Abend von vielen Besuchern besichtigt. In unseren Versuchen zeigten wir, wie die Manipulation von Oberflächen verwendet werden kann, um Flüssigkeiten auf Oberflächen zu formen oder unsichtbare Nachrichten zu schreiben. Diese Strukturierung von Oberflächen ist ein wichtiger Prozessschritt in der Herstellung von elektronischen Bauelementen, wie Leuchtdioden oder Transistoren und kann die Funktionsweise dieser beeinflussen. An der Glovebox war Fingerspitzengefühl gefragt - wer hat es wohl geschafft den größten Turm zu bauen?

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Congratulations to Shaoling Bai from the Chair of Organic Devices (Prof. Stefan Mannsfeld) for defending her PhD thesis! Let's see her own statement :-) "🎓 Thrilled to announce that I've successfully defended my PhD thesis on "Organic Planar Heterojunction Phototransistor Devices" at TU Dresden! 🌟 Now, I'm excited to transition into the next chapter of my career and explore opportunities in Semiconductor/Chemical Industry.

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New paper on the topic: Impact of Thermal Annealing on the Dissolution of Semiconducting Polymer Thin Films by Shaoling Bai, Dr. Katherina Haase, Jonathan Perez Andrade, Dr. Mike Hambsch, Felix Talnack, Vojtech Millek

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New paper on the topic: Tailoring the Morphology of a Diketopyrrolopyrrole-based Polymer as Films or Wires for High-Performance OFETs using Solution Shearing by Preetam Dacha, Dr. Mike Hambsch

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