Chair News

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New paper on the topic: A simple lithography-free approach for the fabrication of top-contact OFETs with sub-micrometer channel length by Dr. Katherina Haase, Felix Talnack

Click here to find the publication.


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New paper by Shaoling Bai on the topic: Nanographene-Based Heterojunctions for High-Performance Organic Phototransistor Memory Devices.

Please click here to find the publication.

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New paper by Tianyu Tang, Preetam Dacha, Katherina Haase on the topic: Analysis of the Annealing Budget of Metal Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Prepared by an Aqueous Blade-Coating Process.

You can find the publication here.

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Reshma Raveendran: Colourful Coral Reef

At the start of the Long Night of Science, we held our award ceremony for this year's cfaed Scientific Image Contest. Now we can publicly announce the winners!

Congratulations go to:

1st place: Reshma Raveendran (Chair of Organic Devices)
Title: Colourful Coral Reef
(10 points)

2nd place: Malte Schröder (Chair of Network Dynamics)
Title: Where The Lines Overlap
(5 points)

3rd place: Preetam Dacha (Chair of Organic Devices)
Title: Eukaryotic Cell
(3 points)

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graphic of an organic bipolar transistor
Organic bipolar transistors can also handle demanding data processing and transmission tasks on flexible electronic elements, e.g. here for electrocardiogram (ECG) data. © Jakob Lindenthal

Prof. Karl Leo has been thinking about the realization of this component for more than 20 years, now it has become reality: His research group at the Institute for Applied Physics at the TU Dresden has presented the first highly efficient organic bipolar transistor. This opens up completely new perspectives for organic electronics - both in data processing and transmission, as well as in medical technology applications. The results of the research work have now been published in the leading specialist journal "Nature".

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New paper on the topic: In-Plane Oriented Two-Dimensional Conjugated Metal–Organic Framework Films for High-Performance Humidity Sensing by Zhe Zhang, Mike Hambsch

Click here to find the publication.

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New paper by Felix Talnack, Mike Hambsch on the topic: Thermal behavior and polymorphism of 2,9-didecyldinaphth[2,3-:2',3'-f]thieno[3,2-b]thiophene thin films.

You can find the publication here.

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Here is a new paper of Tianyu Tang, Jakob Zessin, Felix Talnack, Katherina Haase on the topic: Multimode Operation of Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Thin-Film Transistors Based on Solution-Processed Indium Oxide Films published by ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

You can find the publication here.


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Congratulation to Dr. Yichu Zheng on successfully defending her PhD thesis with the title: "pinMOS Memory: A novel, diode-based organic memory device".

Yichu, it was great having you in the team. All the best for your future.


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Dr. Katherina Haase successfully defended her PhD thesis with the title: "Exploring the Use of Solution-Shearing for the Fabrication of High-Performance Organic Transistors". Congratulations!

We are happy that Katherina chose to stay at our Chair to continue her work as a PostDoc in the ESF-project: “Organic nanometer-scale morphology control”.