
Lectures in Winter Semester 2024/25

Lectures from 14.10.2024 to 21.12.2024 and 06.01.2025 to 08.02.2025


Lecture "Semiconductor Technology I"

Important information for the repeat exam SCT-1/2 (Winter semester 24/25)

Date / Location: 05.03.25 (Wednesday, 5th of March), HSZ/304/Z

Exam Time: 09:30AM – 11:30AM, be there 10 mins early, but wait outside the room!

What to bring and allowed in your work area:

  • student ID
  • pen(s) in a small case (do NOT use pencils!)
  • scientific calculator
  • water bottle, light food items (please without crackling wrappers!)

Not needed, not allowed in your work area:

  • anything not listed under“What to bring”, including but not limited to
    computers, cell phones (need to be turned off and put away!), books, clocks, staplers, scissors, other cases, containers..
  • All electronic devices or communication devices (except the calculator) must be turned off and stored in a closed bag or coat. They are not permitted in your work area!
  • Any use of items not listed under “What to bring” is protocolled and leads to a fail grade

Exam Process:

Be early so we can start at 09:30AM; but please wait outside the study hall. We need at least 10 mins to let everyone in and to situate everyone. If you arrive late, your arrival time will be protocoled as late and your exam time will not be extended.

If you attend the exam you implicitly state that you are healthy enough to take the exam. Note that if you are unwell on the day of the exam, you must obtain a doctor’s certificate to avoid a fail grade.

After you are let in, go to a vacant place – these contain a stack of exam sheets that are placed face down. Do not turn these over until after the exam starts!

After the exam starts, put your name and student ID number in the header section of all of the answer sheets of your exam paper stack (this should not take more than 2 mins)!

Write your answers only on the provided answer paper (sheets that have your name and student ID number in the header section)!

During the exam, exam helpers/staff will have to go through and briefly check your student ID. For this to be nonintrusive, have these out to the side in your work area!

Do not talk after the exam has started (unless to exam staff, and then please whisper). Out of courtesy and respect for the other students, do not make unnecessary noises!

If you must talk to exam staff, indicate this request by a raised hand! The exam staff will only answer procedural/general questions and not ones related to the exam questions.

Stay seated until the end of the exam even if you finish early so as to avoid disturbing others!

Bathroom breaks should be avoided; they are permitted for a single person at a time and only sequentially. Contact exam staff first since such breaks need to be protocoled!

The nearing end of the exam is announced 10 mins prior.

After the exam time has expired, gather the exam papers in a single stack and please remain seated until after all exam papers have been collected by staff!

  • Lecturer: Prof. Stefan Mannsfeld
  • every Tuesday, 13:00 – 14:30, TU Dresden, Toepler building, lecture hall 317
  • and every Thursday, 09:20 - 10:50, TU Dresden, Georg-Schumann building, lecture hall A118

Lecture "Organic Field Effect Devices"

This course gives an introduction into the topic of Organic Field Effect Transistors (OFETs), covering the fundamentals of the physics, materials, operation principles and electrical characteristics, as well as device design and fabrication details.

  • Lecturer: Prof. Stefan Mannsfeld
  • online course

To enroll to this course, please click here.

Lecture "Circuit Technology"

Get an introduction to basic circuits, linear time-invariant systems, properties of nonlinear semiconductor devices and examples of organic logic circuits.

  • Lecturer: Prof. Stefan Mannsfeld / Dr. Mike Hambsch
  • every Friday, 9:20 - 10:50, TU Dresden, Barkhausen building, seminar room I89

To enroll to this course, please click here.

These lectures contribute to the international Master's program "Organic and Molecular Electronics" at TUD.

Topics for project work and master thesis

  • Optimizing the electrical performance of solution-processed polymer and small molecule semiconductors
  • Novel dopants and doping methods for organic electronic devices
  • Novel organic device types for memory and high-frequency operation
  • Solution processed metal oxide semiconductors and dielectrics for electronic devices
  • Crosslinking of polymer semiconductors
  • Heterojunction phototransistors

If you are interested in any of the topics or have your own idea for a project please contact Dr. Mike Hambsch.