Head of Chair

Prof. Xinliang Feng

Prof. Xinliang Feng

Work Biography:

This is a professorship in the context of the cluster of excellence cfaed.

Prof. Feng is the head of the Chair of Molecular Functional Materials at Technische Universität Dresden. He received his Bachelor’s degree in analytic chemistry in 2001 and Master’s degree in organic chemistry in 2004. Then he joined the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research for PhD thesis, where he obtained his PhD degree in April 2008. In December 2007, he was appointed as a group leader at the Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research, and in 2012, he became a distinguished group leader. Since 2021 he is the Director of the Department of Synthetic Materials and Functional Devices at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics.

Academic Employment

  • 12/2007-12/2012 Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany
  • 06/2010-06/2016 Director of the Institute of Advanced Organic Materials, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • 03/2011-06/2016 Distinguished Adjunct Professorship in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Chin
  • 12/2012-07/2014 Distinguished Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany
  • 08/2014- W3 Chair Professor, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
  • 2019- Call to Max Planck Society
  • 2021- Director of Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics

Research Interests

His current scientific interests include synthetic methodology for new-type of polymers, organic and polymer synthesis, interfacial chemistry, supramolecular chemistry of π-conjugated system, bottom-up synthesis of carbon nanostructures and graphene nanoribbons, 2D polymers and supramolecular polymers, 2D carbon-rich conjugated polymers for opto-electronics and spintronics, electrochemical exfoliation of 2D crystals, graphene and 2D materials for energy storage and conversion, new energy devices and technologies.

Scientific Achievements & Recognition

He has published more than 789 research articles which have attracted more than 97,938 citations with H-index of 155 (Web of Science) (Google Scholar Citations: 121,845 citations, H-index ≥171).

Reviewer for National and International Projects

ERC, DFG, Humboldt, NSF, ANR, NCN, FWO, FWF, US DOE, ESF, NSFC, ISF and Fondazione Cariparo and Fondazione CariModena

Reviewer for many high-ranking scientific journals

Nature, Science, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Chemistry, Nature Energy, Nature Communications, Chemical Reviews, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Chemical Science, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials, Chemical Society Reviews, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Small, Chemical Communications, Chemistry of Materials, Organic Letters, Journal of the Organic Chemistry, Chemistry-A European Journal, ChemSusChem, ChemPhysChem, Maromolecular Rapid Communications, Journal of Material Chemistry, New Journal of Chemistry, Chemistry-An Asia Journal,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Energy & Environmental Science, Organic Electronics and so on.


    • Member of the German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina)
    • Honorary Professor, Nanjing Tech University (2023)
    • Member of Germany's National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) (2021)
    • Member of the Academia Europaea (2019)
    • Highly Cited Researcher (Chemistry and Materials Science, Clarivate Analytics) (2019)
    • Member of European Academy of Sciences (2019)
    • EU-40 Materials Prize (2018)
    • ERC Consolidator Grant (2018)
    • Jiaxi Lu Overseas Guest Professor, Haixi Institutes, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2018)
    • Guest Professor, Zhejiang University (2018)
    • Highly Cited Researcher (Chemistry and Materials Science, Thomson Reuters) (2018)
    • Cheung Kong Guest Chair Professor, Ministry of Education, China (2017)
    • Hamburg Science Award (2017)
    • Small Young Innovator Award (2017)
    • Highly Cited Researcher (Chemistry and Materials Science, Thomson Reuters) (2017)
    • ERC Proof-of-Concept Project Award (2017)
    • Highly Cited Researcher (Chemistry and Materials Science, Thomson Reuters) (2016)
    • Path Leader of 2.5D path within cluster of excellence “cfaed” (2016)
    • Head of ESF Young Research Group “Graphene Center Dresden” (2016)
    • Molecular Science Frontier Lecture Professorship, Institute of Chemistry, CAS (2016)
    • Working Package Leader of WP Functional Foams & Coatings of GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP (2016-)
    • Highly Cited Researcher (Chemistry and Materials Science, Thomson Reuters) (2015)
    • ERC Proof-of-Concept Project Grant (2015)
    • Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) (2014)
    • Highly Cited Researcher (Thomson Reuters, 2014)
    • ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship (2014)
    • Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship Award (2013)
    • Visiting Lecturer of the Chemistry Research Promotion, Center National Science Council Taiwan (2012)
    • EU FET Young Explorer (2012)
    • ERC Starting Grant Award (2012)
    • Deputy Leader of one of the ten European representatives of the European community’s pilot project GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP (2012)
    • Finalist of 3rd European Young Chemist Award (2010)
    • IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists (2009)
    • Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students (2008)
    • Marie Currie Fellowship (2005-2006)

Professional Duties

  • International Advisory Board of Chemistry Europe (2023-)
  • Editorial Board of Nano Research Energy (2023-)
  • International Advisory Board of Materials Advances (2020-)
  • International Advisory Board of Aggregate (2020-)
  • Panel Member for the ERC Advanced Grant (2020-)
  • Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (2020-)
  • Spokesperson for the DFG Collaborative Research Center (SFB 1415) for the Chemistry of Synthetic 2D Materials (2020)
  • Associate Editor Board of Small Structures (2020-)
  • International Advisory Board of Chemical Science (2019-)
  • International Advisory Board of ACS Applied Electronic Materials (2019-)
  • International Advisory Board of Materials Chemistry Frontiers (2019-)
  • International Advisory Board of Journal of Energy Chemistry (2018-)
  • International Advisory Board of EnergyChem (2018-)
  • International Advisory Board of Trends in Chemistry (2018-)
  • International Advisory Board of Small Methods (2016-)
  • International Advisory Board of Energy Storage Materials (2015-)
  • International Advisory Board of ChemNanoMat (2015-)
  • Editorial Board Member of Chemistry – An Asian Journal (2014-)
  • Advisory Board of Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2014-)
  • Advisory Board Member of Advanced Materials (2013-)


Click to open publications list

Contact (Secretariat)

Phone: +49 351 / 463-43251
Fax: +49 351 / 463-43268

Administrative Staff

Sabine Strecker

Secretary of Prof. Xinliang Feng

Sabine is a certified foreign language correspondent and joined the team of the Chair for Molecular Functional Materials in October 2014. She is working as secretary for Prof. Feng and assists the team in all administrative matters.


Phone: +49 351 / 463-43251
Fax: +49 351 / 463-43268
Email: sabine.strecker (at) tu-dresden.de

Office: Hempel Building, Mommsenstraße 4, room HEM 217 a

Annett Müller

Annett Müller

Secretary of Prof. Xinliang Feng



Phone: +49 351 / 463-40417
Fax: +49 351 / 463-43268
Email: annett.mueller1 (at) tu-dresden.de

Office: Hempel Building, Mommsenstraße 4, room HEM 217 a

Project Manager

Zsolt Tóvári

Zsolt Tovari

Project Manager

(Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Halle)


Phone: +49–351-463-40405
Email: zsolt.tovari (at) tu-dresden.de

Technical Staff

Janett Beyer

Lab Technician

Janett is working as laboratory technician, supporting Prof. Feng's group in all technical issues. She is part of the team of the chair for Molecular Functional Materials since February 2016. Her background is in chemical analytics in the semiconductor industry.     


Phone: + 49 – 351 / 463-39090
E-Mail: janett.beyer (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Tobias Nickel

Technician (NMR device)


Phone: + 49 – 351 / 463-38757
E-Mail: tobias.nickel1 (at) tu-dresden.de

IT Administrator

Patrick Schaller

Patrick Schaller


Patrick joined the group in May 2016.


Phone: +49 – 351 / 463-36910
Email: patrick.schaller (at) tu-dresden.de

Scientific Staff

Samira Aliasghari

PhD student



E-Mail: samira.aliasghari (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Dr. Florian Auras

Research Group Leader



Phone: +49–351-463-41233
Email: florian.auras (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Ahmad Bagheri

PhD student



E-Mail: ahmad.bagheri (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Songshan Bi




E-Mail: songshan.bi (at) tu-dresden.de

Boris S. Borisov

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-32141
E-Mail: boris_stefanov.borisov (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Yunxu Chen




Phone: +49–351-463-
E-Mail: yunxu.chen (at) tu-dresden.de

Xingyuan Chu

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
E-Mail: Xingyuan.Chu (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Jie Ding




Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
E-Mail: Ding.Jie (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Jingwei Du

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-40400
Email: Jingwei.Du (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Shiyi Feng

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-33858
Email: Shiyi.Feng (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Shuai Fu




Phone: +49–351-463-40671
Email: Shuai.Fu (at) tu-dresden.de

Víctor García López




Phone: +49–351-463-41236
E-Mail: victor.garcia_lopez (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Shaik Ghouse

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-33802
E-Mail: shaik.ghouse (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Ronny Grünker

Dr. Ronny Grünker

Group Leader

Ronny has a background in chemistry where he collected diverse knowledge in the fields of organic (diploma), inorganic (PhD) and macromolecular chemistry (PostDoc). In October 2014, he joined the Chair of Molecular Functional Materials at cfaed.


Phone: +49 – 351 / 463-39090
E-Mail: ronny.gruenker (at) tu-dresden.de

Quanquan Guo

Quanquan Guo

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-40400
E-Mail: Quanquan.Guo (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Chen Hu




Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
E-Mail: Chen.Hu (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Xing Huang

Xing Huang




Phone: +49 – 351 / 463-33858
E-Mail: Xing.Huang (at) tu-dresden.de

Muhammad Imran

Humboldt Postdoc



Phone: +49–351-463-33858
E-Mail: muhammad.imran (at) tu-dresden.de

Philomène Leonore Koko

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-43986
E-Mail: Philomene_Leonore.Koko (at) tu-dresden.de

Yelizaveta Kudryavtseva

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-43255
E-Mail: yelizaveta.kudryavtseva (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Tianshu Lan

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
E-Mail: Tianshu.Lan (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Paul-Alexander Laval-Schmidt

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
E-Mail: paul-alexander.laval-schmidt (at) tu-dresden.de

Dongqi Li

Dongqi Li

PhD student

Dongqi Li received his Master Degree in June 2019 from Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China. Afterwards he joined Prof. Feng's group as a Ph. D. student. Now, he focus on the design and synthesis of 2D single-/few-layer materials, and their application on energy storage".


Phone: + 49 - 351 / 463-40400
E-Mail: Dongqi.Li (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Li Li




Phone: +49-351-463-42184
E-Mail: Li.Li2 (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Xiaodong Li

Xiaodong Li




Phone: +49-351-463-42177
E-Mail: Xiaodong.Li (at) tu-dresden.de

Guoqin Liu

PhD student



Phone: +49-351-463-33802
E-Mail: Guoqin.Liu (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Jinxin Liu





Phone: +49-351-463-39994
E-Mail: Jinxin.Liu (at) tu-dresden.de

Kun Liu

portrait kejun liu

PhD student



Phone: +49-463-43259
Email: Kun.Liu (at) tu-dresden.de

Renxiang Liu

Renxiang Liu

PhD student

Renxiang Liu received his Master's Degree in June 2020 from Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He joined Prof. Feng's group as a PhD student from November 2020. His current research topic focus on the development of novel polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nanographenes for organic electronics.


Phone: +49 – 351 / 463-39088
Email: renxiang.liu (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Xiaohui Liu

Xiaohui Liu

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
Email: Xiaohui.Liu (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Yamei Liu

Yamei Liu

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-33802
Email: yamei.liu (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Yang Lu




Phone: +49 – 351 / 463-33858
E-Mail: yang.lu (at) tu-dresden.de

Ji Ma

portrait ji ma

Research Group Leader

Ji Ma received his Master's Degree in July 2015 from Fudan University, China. Since August 2015 he joined Prof. Feng's group as a PhD student and received his PhD Degree in November 2019. His current research topic focus on the organic synthesis and application of nanographene and graphene nanoribbons.


Phone: +49 - 351 - 463-42424
E-Mail: ji.ma (at) tu-dresden.de

Alina Müller

PhD student



Phone: +49-351-463-xxxxx
E-Mail: Alina.Mueller4 (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Chandrasekhar Naisa


Naisa Chandrasekhar, received PhD (Chemistry) from University of Hyderabad (UoH), India in 2014. He has been working as a post-doctoral researcher in Prof. Feng’s group since August, 2015. His current research interests are focus on “design and synthesis of 2D-fully-conjugated organic polymers for electronics, energy conversion and storage applications.


Phone: +49 – 351 / 463-40671
E-Mail: naisa.chandrasekhar (at) tu-dresden.de

Wenhui Niu

Wenhui Niu



Phone: +49-351-463-43259
E-Mail: wenhui.niu (at) tu-dresden.de

Hanjou Park

PhD student


Phone: +49-351-463-41236
E-Mail: hanjou.park (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Anupam Prasoon


PhD student



Phone: +49-351-463-39089
E-Mail: anupam.prasoon (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Huayu Qiu

PhD student



Phone: +49-351-463-40671
E-Mail: huayu.qiu (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Zhenlin Qiu




Phone: +49-351-463-43259
E-Mail: zhenlin.qiu (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Ali Shaygan Nia

Research Group Leader

Ali received his PhD in June 2016 from “macromolecular chemistry department of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg”. He joined Prof. Feng’s group in July 2016 and his current research interest is on upscaling and modifying the electrochemical exfoliation of graphene.


Phone: +49 – 351 / 463-40413
E-Mail: ali.shaygan_nia (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Vikki Shinde




Phone: +49–351-463-33802
E-Mail: vikki.shinde (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Xinmei Song




Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
E-Mail: xinmei.song (at) tu-dresden.de

Lukas Sporrer

PhD student



Phone: +49 – 351 / 463-32141
E-Mail: lukas.sporrer (at) tu-dresden.de

Tian Sun




Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
E-Mail: tian.sun (at) tu-dresden.de

Kevin Synnatschke

Research Group Leader



Phone: +49–351-463-40415
E-Mail: kevin.synnatschke (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Yalda Tarpoudi Baheri

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-40413
E-Mail: yalda.tarpoudi_baheri (at) tu-dresden.de

Jingqi Tao

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-43259
E-Mail: Jingqi.Tao (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Felix Trautner

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-39088
E-Mail: felix.trautner (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Albrecht Wäntig

picture Albrecht Waentig

PhD student



Phone: +49 – 351 / 463-33802
E-Mail: albrecht.waentig (at) tu-dresden.de

Chenchen Wang




Phone: +49–351-463-39403
E-Mail: chenchen.wang (at) tu-dresden.de

Dongxu Wang

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
E-Mail: dongxu.wang (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Feifei Wang




Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
E-Mail: feifei.wang (at) tu-dresden.de

Jing Wang

PhD Student



Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
E-Mail: jing.wang (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Junting Wang




Phone: +49–351-463-43259
E-Mail: junting.wang (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Mingchao Wang

Research Group Leader



Phone: +49–351-463-40401
E-Mail: mingchao.wang (at) tu-dresden.de

Zhiyong Wang

Research Group Leader



Phone: +49–351-463-39089
E-Mail: wang.zhiyong (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Quan-Hao Wu




Phone: +49–351-463-32141
E-Mail: quanhao.wu (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Hao Xu

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-39532
E-Mail: hao.xu3 (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Hyejung Yang

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-40415
Email: Hyejung.Yang (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Wenqiang Yang

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
Email: wenqiang.yang (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Xusheng Yang

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-41236
Email: xusheng.yang (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Ye Yang

PhD student



Phone: +49 – 351 / 463-39089
Email: ye.yang (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Ruofan Yin

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-46342
Email: ruofan.yin (at) tu-dresden.de

Yucheng Yin

Visiting PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-39088
Email: yucheng.yin2 (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Minghao Yu

Research Group Leader

Minghao Yu received his Ph.D. degree in Material Physics and Chemistry from Sun Yat-sen University (China) in June 2017. He joined in Prof. Feng’s group as a Postdoc from December 2017. His research focuses on the development of nanostructured materials for application in energy storage and conversion.


Phone: +49 – 351 / 463-40410
Email: minghao.yu (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Xiuling Yu




Phone: +49–351-463-43259 /-42425
Email: Xiuling.Yu (at) tu-dresden.de

Jianjun Zhang

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-39089
Email: Jianjun.Zhang (at) tu-dresden.de

Jiaxu Zhang

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
Email: Jiaxu.Zhang (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Jin-Jiang Zhang




Phone: +49–351-463-43259
Email: jin-jiang.zhang (at) tu-dresden.de

Ling Zhang




Phone: +49–351-463-41236
Email: ling.zhang (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Peng Zhang

portrait Peng Zhang

PhD student



Phone: +49 – 351 / 463-42423
Email: peng.zhang1 (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Weidan Zhang

PhD sudent



Phone: +49–351-463-39088
Email: weidan.zhang (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Ruyan Zhao




Phone: +49–351-463-43986
Email: ruyan.zhao (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Leilei Zheng

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-xxxxx
Email: leilei.zheng (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Yuhang Zhuang

PhD student



Phone: +49–351-463-42184
Email: yuhang.zhuang (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de


Doreen Beyer

SFB/MGK Coordinator



Phone: +49 – 351 / 463-35413
E-Mail: doreen.beyer (at) tu-dresden.de

Link to the website of the CRC 1415 / SFB 1415

Shaymaa Essa

SFB/MGK Project Assistant



Phone: +49–351-463-40363
E-Mail: shaymaa.essa (at) tu-dresden.de

Link to the website of the CRC 1415 / SFB 1415


Prof. Dr. Klaus Müllen

Klaus Müllen


Dr. Li Wan

Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Halle



Email: (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Dr. Martin R. Lohe

Industry Project Coordinator


E-Mail: martin.lohe (at) tu-dresden.de



Imran Khan

AmirMahdi Tavassoli

Dr. Yubin Fu (from 04/2025: Professor at Southeast University, China)

RGL, Ph.D. Renhao Dong (Professor at Hongkong University, China)

Dr. Davood Sabaghi

Dr. Saman Khosravi

Dr. Ahiud Morag (Postdoc at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)

Prof. Jong-Beom Baek (Professor at UNIST, Korea)

Ph.D. Chuanhui Huang (Postdoc at Northwestern University, USA - from 06/2025: Professor at Hangzhou Institute of Medicine (HIM), CAS, China)

Dr. Sebastian Obermann (Novartis)

Ph.D. Geping Zhang (Postdoc at Hongkong University, China)

D.Eng. Qiang Huang (Professor at Nantong University, China)

Sophie Neubert

Dr. Valeriya Tkachova

Lin Yang

Dr. Kamil Jastrzembski

Jamal Rahimi

Jie Du

Dr. Guangbo Chen (Professor at Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (TIPC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China)

Dr. Fupeng Wu (Postdoc at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden)

Prof. Jayasundera Bandara (Senior Research Professor at National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka)

Morteza Torabi

Takumi Miura

Mandy Meise

Zhe Zhang

Dr. Mino Borrelli (Postdoc at TU Dresden)

Dr. Yannan Liu (Associate Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Dr. Haoyuan Qi

Dr. Payam Hashemi

Yanyu Yang

Dr. Florian Sägebrecht

Dr. Adrian Romani Vazquez

Dr. Ngan Nguyen Nguyen

Dr. Huanhuan Shi (Postdoc at Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT)

Dr. Kejun Liu (Professor at Suzhou University, China)

Dr. Gang Wang (Professor at Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of New Energy Technology CNITECH, China)

Pranay Praveen Ninawe

Dr. Ankit Kumar

Dr. Dominik Pastötter

Dr. Xiuqiang Li (Professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)

Dr. Shunqi Xu (Professor at Southeast University, China)

Dr. Zhen Zhang (Professor at University of Science and Technology of China)

Dr. Madhurima Poddar

Dr. Haixia Zhong (Professor at State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resource Utilization)

Yunxiao Lin (PhD student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Dr. Xia Wang (Postdoc at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids)

Dr. Lihuan Wang

Paula Kalenczuk

Barbara Wallner

RGL, Dr. Marcus Richter (Robert Bosch Semiconductor Manufacturing Dresden GmbH)

Dr. Wei Li (Young Research Fellow at Lanzhou University)

Dr. Panpan Zhang (Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Dr. Ajayakumar Murugan Rathamony (Postdoc at Tampere University, Finland)

Birgit Faget

Dr. Rajendra Kumar Konidena (Assistant Professor at IIT Patna, India)

Dr. Faxing Wang (Postdoc at Lawrence Berekely Laboratory, NOW: Professor at Southeast University, China)

Nicole Guzy

Dr. Hanjun Sun (Professor at Nanjing Normal University)

Boya Sun (PhD student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Dr. Xu Wang (Professor at Sichuan University)

Dr. SangWook Park (Staff Engineer at Samsung Electronics, South Korea)

Anna Iaia

Dr. Huaping Wang (Professor at Capital Normal University)

Dr. Jason Melidonie (Account Manager, Novartis)

Dr. Kun Xu (Automation Chemist at Chemspeed Technologies)

Daniel Becker

Dr. Thorsten Lohr (Chemist, Saint-Gobain Isover G+H AG)

Dr. Hafeesudeen Sahabudeen (Postdoc at Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon)

Dr. Tao Zhang (Professor at Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering (CAS))

Dr. Lucia Gemma Delogu (Professor at Padua University)

RGL, Dr. Junzhi Liu (Professor at the University of Hongkong)

RGL, Dr. Jian Zhang (Professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University)

Dr. Wee Jun Ong (Professor at Xiamen University)

Andrea Umlauft

Jaehong Seo

Wajdi Abdel-Haq

Dr. Sheng Yang (Postdoc at Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart; NOW: Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)

Changlin Dong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Guofen Song (Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenzhen Advanced Technology Academy, CAS)

Dr. Lanlan Wang (Professor at Xi'an Jiaoting University, China)

RGL, Dr. Reinhard Berger (Professor at ZHAW Zürich)

Jensheer Shamsudeen Seenath

Dr. Haiqing Liu

Yafei He (Dow Chemical Company)

Dr. Zhikun Zheng (Professor at Sun Yat-sen University)

Dr. Xiaodong Zhuang (Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Chongqing Yang (Postdoc, University of California, Berkeley, USA; Now: Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Dr. Stavroula Sfaelou (DAS Environmental Expert GmbH)

Antje Werner

Juliane Tippmann

Dr. Bishnu Prasad Biswal (Postdoc at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, NOW: Professor at National Institute of Science Education and Research, NISER Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India)

Romy Fleck

Dr. Wei Liu

M.Sc. Ulrike Polnick

Dr. Jiantong Li (Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

Dr. Yang Hou (Professor at Zhejiang University)

Dr. Shaohua Liu (Professor at East China Normal University)

Zongsheng Hou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Hongyan Li (Postdoc at Michigan State University, NOW: Professor at Jinan University, China)

Dr. Xiang Zhu (Professor at Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Suzhou Institute, CAS)