Executive Board
The new cfaed Board was voted for by the cfaed Council on 16 April 2021 and confirmed by the Extended University Executive Board on 27 April 2021
Executive Board 2012-2019
The cfaed Cluster's Executive Board during the DFG funding period comprised the Director, the Career Development Director, the Strategy Director, and the Operations Director.
The Director was responsible for the overall scientific progress and strategic direction of the Cluster, the implementation and effectiveness of all measures of the program and represented the Cluster in public, to the funding body, and within TU Dresden.
The Strategy Director oversaw cfaed's underlying principle of the scientific exploratory and inspirational area.
The Career Development Director governed and monitored the career development program and headed the International Postgraduate Program.
The Career Development Director's position was a rotational role. Prof. Karl Leo was elected as successor to Prof. Alexander Eychmüller. He took over in March 2015.
The Operations Director headed the Cluster's Program Office and was therefore responsible for the central coordination, all organizational issues, administration of funds, and relation management especially to industry and university-partners.