cfaed Publications

Tailored nanoparticles and wires of Sn, Ge and Pb inside carbon nanotubes


Marcel Haft, Martin Grönke, Markus Gellesch, Sabine Wurmehl, Bernd Büchner, Michael Mertig, Silke Hampel, "Tailored nanoparticles and wires of Sn, Ge and Pb inside carbon nanotubes", In Carbon, vol. 101, pp. 352 - 360, 2016. [doi]


title = "Tailored nanoparticles and wires of Sn, Ge and Pb inside carbon nanotubes ",
journal = "Carbon ",
volume = "101",
number = "",
pages = "352 - 360",
year = "2016",
note = "",
issn = "0008-6223",
doi = "",
url = "",
author = "Marcel Haft and Martin Grönke and Markus Gellesch and Sabine Wurmehl and Bernd Büchner and Michael Mertig and Silke Hampel"


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