cfaed Publications

Enzymatic Crosslinking of Polymer Conjugates is Superior over Ionic or UV Crosslinking for the On-Chip Production of Cell-Laden Microgels


Sieger Henke, Jeroen Leijten, Evelien Kemna, Martin Neubauer, Andreas Fery, Albert van den Berg, Aart van Apeldoorn, Marcel Karperien, "Enzymatic Crosslinking of Polymer Conjugates is Superior over Ionic or UV Crosslinking for the On-Chip Production of Cell-Laden Microgels", In Macromolecular Bioscience, vol. 16, no. 10, pp. 1524–1532, 2016. [doi]


@article {MABI:MABI201600174,
author = {Henke, Sieger and Leijten, Jeroen and Kemna, Evelien and Neubauer, Martin and Fery, Andreas and van den Berg, Albert and van Apeldoorn, Aart and Karperien, Marcel},
title = {Enzymatic Crosslinking of Polymer Conjugates is Superior over Ionic or UV Crosslinking for the On-Chip Production of Cell-Laden Microgels},
journal = {Macromolecular Bioscience},
volume = {16},
number = {10},
issn = {1616-5195},
url = {},
doi = {10.1002/mabi.201600174},
pages = {1524--1532},
keywords = {biomaterials, enzymatic, hydrogel, microfluidic, microgels},
year = {2016},


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