cfaed Publications

Precise Engineering of Nanocrystal Shells via Colloidal Atomic Layer Deposition


Emanuele A. Slejko, Vladimir Sayevich, Bin Cai, Nikolai Gaponik, Vanni Lughi, Vladimir Lesnyak, Alexander Eychmüller, "Precise Engineering of Nanocrystal Shells via Colloidal Atomic Layer Deposition", In Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 29, no. 19, pp. 8111–8118, Aug 2017. [doi]


doi = {10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b01873},
url = {},
year = 2017,
month = {aug},
publisher = {American Chemical Society ({ACS})},
volume = {29},
number = {19},
pages = {8111--8118},
author = {Emanuele A. Slejko and Vladimir Sayevich and Bin Cai and Nikolai Gaponik and Vanni Lughi and Vladimir Lesnyak and Alexander Eychmüller},
title = {Precise Engineering of Nanocrystal Shells via Colloidal Atomic Layer Deposition},
journal = {Chemistry of Materials}


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