cfaed Publications

Fractional deviations in precursor stoichiometry dictate the properties, performance and stability of perovskite photovoltaic devices


Paul Fassl, Vincent Lami, Alexandra Bausch, Zhiping Wang, Matthew T. Klug, Henry J. Snaith, Yana Vaynzof, "Fractional deviations in precursor stoichiometry dictate the properties, performance and stability of perovskite photovoltaic devices", In Energy & Environmental Science, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 3380–3391, 2018. [doi]


doi = {10.1039/c8ee01136b},
url = {},
year = 2018,
publisher = {Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})},
volume = {11},
number = {12},
pages = {3380--3391},
author = {Paul Fassl and Vincent Lami and Alexandra Bausch and Zhiping Wang and Matthew T. Klug and Henry J. Snaith and Yana Vaynzof},
title = {Fractional deviations in precursor stoichiometry dictate the properties, performance and stability of perovskite photovoltaic devices},
journal = {Energy {\&} Environmental Science}


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