cfaed Publications

Supramolecular chemistry based on 4-acetylbiphenyl on Au(111)


Roberto Robles, Vladimír Zoba\vc, Kwan Ho Au Yeung, Francesca Moresco, Christian Joachim, Nicolás Lorente, "Supramolecular chemistry based on 4-acetylbiphenyl on Au(111)", In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), vol. 22, no. 27, pp. 15208–15213, 2020. [doi]


doi = {10.1039/d0cp01657h},
url = {},
year = 2020,
publisher = {Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})},
volume = {22},
number = {27},
pages = {15208--15213},
author = {Roberto Robles and Vladim{\'{\i}}r Zoba{\v{c}} and Kwan Ho Au Yeung and Francesca Moresco and Christian Joachim and Nicol{\'{a}}s Lorente},
title = {Supramolecular chemistry based on 4-acetylbiphenyl on Au(111)},
journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}


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