cfaed Publications

Short Excited-State Lifetimes Mediate Charge-Recombination Losses in Organic Solar Cell Blends with Low Charge-Transfer Driving Force


Rishi Shivhare, Gareth John Moore, Andreas Hofacker, Sebastian Hutsch, Yufei Zhong, Mike Hambsch, Tim Erdmann, Anton Kiriy, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Frank Ortmann, Natalie Banerji, "Short Excited-State Lifetimes Mediate Charge-Recombination Losses in Organic Solar Cell Blends with Low Charge-Transfer Driving Force", In Advanced Materials, Wiley, pp. 2101784, Aug 2021. [doi]


doi = {10.1002/adma.202101784},
url = {},
year = 2021,
month = {aug},
publisher = {Wiley},
pages = {2101784},
author = {Rishi Shivhare and Gareth John Moore and Andreas Hofacker and Sebastian Hutsch and Yufei Zhong and Mike Hambsch and Tim Erdmann and Anton Kiriy and Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld and Frank Ortmann and Natalie Banerji},
title = {Short Excited-State Lifetimes Mediate Charge-Recombination Losses in Organic Solar Cell Blends with Low Charge-Transfer Driving Force},
journal = {Advanced Materials}


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