cfaed Publications

Structural colors with embedded anti-counterfeit features fabricated by laser-based methods


Sascha Teutoburg-Weiss, Marcos Soldera, Felix Bouchard, Joshua Kreß, Yana Vaynzof, Andr'es Fabi'an Lasagni, "Structural colors with embedded anti-counterfeit features fabricated by laser-based methods", In Optics &amp$\mathsemicolon$ Laser Technology, Elsevier BV, vol. 151, pp. 108012, Jul 2022. [doi]


doi = {10.1016/j.optlastec.2022.108012},
url = {},
year = 2022,
month = {jul},
publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
volume = {151},
pages = {108012},
author = {Sascha Teutoburg-Weiss and Marcos Soldera and Felix Bouchard and Joshua Kre{\ss} and Yana Vaynzof and Andr{\'{e}}s Fabi{\'{a}}n Lasagni},
title = {Structural colors with embedded anti-counterfeit features fabricated by laser-based methods},
journal = {Optics {\&}amp$\mathsemicolon$ Laser Technology}


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