cfaed Publications

Steering on-surface reactions through molecular steric hindrance and molecule-substrate van der Waals interactions


Shiyong Wang, Tomohiko Nishiuchi, Carlo A. Pignedoli, Xuelin Yao, Marco Di Giovannantonio, Yan Zhao, Akimitsu Narita, Xinliang Feng, Klaus Müllen, Pascal Ruffieux, Roman Fasel, "Steering on-surface reactions through molecular steric hindrance and molecule-substrate van der Waals interactions", In Quantum Frontiers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 1, no. 1, Dec 2022. [doi]


doi = {10.1007/s44214-022-00023-9},
url = {},
year = 2022,
month = {dec},
publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}},
volume = {1},
number = {1},
author = {Shiyong Wang and Tomohiko Nishiuchi and Carlo A. Pignedoli and Xuelin Yao and Marco Di Giovannantonio and Yan Zhao and Akimitsu Narita and Xinliang Feng and Klaus Müllen and Pascal Ruffieux and Roman Fasel},
title = {Steering on-surface reactions through molecular steric hindrance and molecule-substrate van der Waals interactions},
journal = {Quantum Frontiers}


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