cfaed Publications

Ultrathin positively charged electrode skin for durable anion-intercalation battery chemistries


Davood Sabaghi, Zhiyong Wang, Preeti Bhauriyal, Qiongqiong Lu, Ahiud Morag, Daria Mikhailovia, Payam Hashemi, Dongqi Li, Christof Neumann, Zhongquan Liao, Anna Maria Dominic, Ali Shaygan Nia, Renhao Dong, Ehrenfried Zschech, Andrey Turchanin, Thomas Heine, Minghao Yu, Xinliang Feng, "Ultrathin positively charged electrode skin for durable anion-intercalation battery chemistries", In Nature Communications, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 14, no. 1, Feb 2023. [doi]


doi = {10.1038/s41467-023-36384-5},
url = {},
year = 2023,
month = {feb},
publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}},
volume = {14},
number = {1},
author = {Davood Sabaghi and Zhiyong Wang and Preeti Bhauriyal and Qiongqiong Lu and Ahiud Morag and Daria Mikhailovia and Payam Hashemi and Dongqi Li and Christof Neumann and Zhongquan Liao and Anna Maria Dominic and Ali Shaygan Nia and Renhao Dong and Ehrenfried Zschech and Andrey Turchanin and Thomas Heine and Minghao Yu and Xinliang Feng},
title = {Ultrathin positively charged electrode skin for durable anion-intercalation battery chemistries},
journal = {Nature Communications}


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