Published on Thu, 14 Sep 2023 in NEWS
Wir suchen Verstärkung in unserem kleinen Team! Jetzt bewerben - und spannende Aufgaben umsetzen 🤗
Der neue Stelle bündelt Tätigkeiten in der Konzeptentwicklung für die weitere Ausrichtung unseres Forschungsclusters, der Koordination der Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen wiss., industriellen und institutionellen Kooperationspartnern, Weiterentwicklung der Kommunikationskonzepte und –kanäle für die Wissenschaftskommunikation, sowie Konzeption, Koordination und Durchführung von Projekten der Nachwuchsförderung. Auch Konferenz- und Veranstaltungsorganisation sowie die administrative Koordination eines internationalen Studiengangs werden eine Rolle spielen.
Weitere Informationen im vollständigen Ausschreibungstext.
Published on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 in PRESS RELEASES
In research-intensive microelectronics, universities play a pivotal role in the fast-paced innovation race. They unlock new knowledge, are essential research partners for industry – and, last but not least, educate the next generation of scientists. In order to facilitate research at the highest international level on new fields for the microelectronics of the future at universities and to create the best training conditions for young scientists, twelve "Forschungslabore Mikroelektronik Deutschland (ForLab)" have been established at 14 universities since 2019. The modernization and expansion of the necessary research equipment was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). This was accompanied by the creation of a network between the research labs with a joint external presentation of microelectronics research in Germany.
This network is now being developed and expanded into a nationwide and internationally visible university network for semiconductor technology and microelectronics. The follow-up project “ForLab NataliE” (“Nachwuchstalente für die integrierte Elektronik” - early-career talents for integrated electronics) was launched in August 2023 with an opening event.
Read more … Forschungslabore Mikroelektronik Deutschland – Early-career talents for integrated electronics
Published on Tue, 05 Sep 2023 in NEWS
Today, the European Research Council (ERC) announced the winners of 400 Starting Grants for early-career researchers across Europe, including three outstanding scientists from TU Dresden, who will each receive EUR 1.5 million for their research between 2024 and 2028. Among them is Dr. Minghao Yu who is a researcher at the Chair of Molecular Functional Materials (Prof. Xinliang Feng). Dr. Yu has been leading a research group at cfaed since March 2019.
Read more … Congratulations: Dr. Minghao Yu among the 3 winners of ERC Starting Grant at TU Dresden
Published on Thu, 24 Aug 2023 in NEWS
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has granted a research fellowship to Prof. Jayasundera Bandara (Research Professor at the National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka) for a research stay. By being granted this fellowship, Prof. Bandera will receive financial support for 3 months to carry out his research in the research group of Prof. Xinliang Feng, Chair of Molecular Functional Materials at Technische Universität Dresden.
Published on Thu, 10 Aug 2023 in NEWS
Congratulations to HETEROMERGE GmbH for being featured 3D Startup of the Month at 3Dnatives. Read the interview with founder and CEO Robert Kirchner from cfaed's Mesoscopic 3D Systems Group!
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