Published on Mon, 18 May 2015 in NEWS
On 13th of May, TU Dresden took over its new supercomputer and data center HRSK-II. Please find the full press release published by the Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) on that day:The Technische Universität Dresden inaugurated today, May 13, 2015, the building of its new data center and the new supercomputer, both of which have been designed to the highest standards. Notable guests of the inauguration included Mr. Stanislaw Tillich, Minister President of Saxony and Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, Federal Minister for Education and Research. Also, Dr. Eva-Maria Stange, Saxon Minister for Science and Art, and numerous other guests from politics, science, and industry attended the inauguration ceremony. Prof. Dr. Arndt Bode, Chairman of the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, emphasized in his speech the importance of this investment for the area of Saxony.
Read more … Inauguration: New data center and new supercomputer for TU Dresden strengthen research in Saxony
Published on Tue, 05 May 2015 in NEWS
cfaed researcher Dr. Ihsan Amin, postdoc at the Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry / Prof. Rainer Jordan, was awarded an cfaed INSPIRE Grant within the 2014 call. This grant recently allowed him to realize a visiting research stay in the group of Prof. Christopher K. Ober, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.During his research stay in Cornell, Ihsan Amin worked on the development of a new method of polymerization which is called “Surface-initiated copper radical polymerization/Si-CuCRP”. This was first developed at the group of Prof. Jordan at TU Dresden. The Polymer brushes obtained from this method are used for the application in biosensors.
If you wish to learn more about our INSPIRE grant program, please get in touch with Susann or click here!
Published on Mon, 04 May 2015 in NEWS
From April 14th until April 16th 2015 the International Conference on Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics (FCMN) was held in the Hilton hotel in Dresden. The conference was co-organized by cfaed's technology platform Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis (DCN). It focused on the characterization technology needed for nanoelectronic materials and device research, development, and manufacturing. In total 141 people from 11 countries participated in the meeting, among others from Germany, the USA, Japan and Korea. The tours to the state-of-the-art metrology facilities at Global Foundries and Fraunhofer IPMS-CNT attracted much attention.Directly following this meeting, the 3rd Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium was held on Friday April 17th. It was organized by DCN in cooperation with the Dresden Fraunhofer Cluster Nanoanalysis. A total of 81 attendees joined to listen to a variety of talks, from fundamental research to the industrial perspective. The winner of the poster competition was Sebastian Schneider from IFW Dresden with the Poster “Exploring the properties of individual nanomagnets: EMCD on FePt nanocubes”.
Published on Mon, 27 Apr 2015 in NEWS
In April 2015 cfaed will have the pleasure to welcome another Research Group Leader. Pramod Bhatotia is going to build up the Research Group “Parallel and Distributed Systems” as a part of the Cluster Research Areas “Resilience” and “Orchestration”. The 29-year-old Indian just recently this month gained his doctor’s degree –with summa cum laude- at the University of Saarland, where he had submitted his doctoral thesis on the topic of “Incremental parallel and distributed systems”. As a doctoral student he had been working for the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems Kaiserslautern/Saarbrücken. Already in this time he had research contacts to high-ranking institutes such as Bell Labs, Microsoft Research and IBM Research.Central topic of his scientific work is incremental calculation. He focuses on the partial reutilization of former results to accelerate the anew calculation of results for new input values. What makes this approach interesting for cfaed, is, that it can be used to improve performance, energy efficiency and resilience. The increase of resilience through the partial reutilization of former results in combination with the cloud approaches, that were examined, too, could lead to new foundations for resilient calculations.
In mid-April, the building work for new laboratories and seminar rooms of cfaed began. Construction work of the extension to today’s South wing of the Barkhausen Building at TUD campus will last until the end of 2017. The project is led by the Saxon state company Sächsisches Immobilien- und Baumanagement (SIB) and financed with € 35 million by the Saxon State government. The installation of highly responsive, nanoelectronic and oscillation-sensitive measuring instruments will be the particular challenge for the civil engineers. This equipment will later be operated by cfaed's metrology platform Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis (DCN).
Read the full Press Release of SIB - Staatsbetrieb Sächsisches Immobilien- und Baumanagement, 27 April 2015(in German only)
Read more … Building Work Commenced for New cfaed Building
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