Published on Fri, 24 Jul 2015 in NEWS
The third edition of the international Workshop on Virtual Prototyping of Parallel and Embedded Systems (ViPES’2015) took place in the beautiful island of Samos, Greece, on the 19th of July. In his role as program chair, Prof. Castrillon, together with Prof. Cristina Silvano from the Politecnico di Milano, put together a technical program with highly interesting presentations and keynotes. The workshop received submissions from 6 different countries (USA, Germany, China, Greece, Tunisia and Brazil) and was attended by above thirty participants. This edition of the workshop was co-located with the 15th International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS). Therefore, ViPES profited from both the friendly atmosphere and the in-depth technical discussions that characterize the SAMOS conference, for which ViPES will stay in Samos for at least one more year.
Read more … Prof. Castrillon and ViPES
Published on Thu, 23 Jul 2015 in PRESS RELEASES
cfaed scientists at Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW), TU Dresden, and Nanoelectronic Materials Laboratory (NaMLab gGmbH) realized flexible light weight diagnostic platform enabling its cost efficient high-volume delivery to medical institutions worldwide.
Read more … Flexible Future of Point-of-Care Disease Diagnostic
Published on Fri, 03 Jul 2015 in NEWS
Da wir uns aus vielen kooperierenden Einrichtungen zusammensetzen, von denen auch viele heute zur Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften dabei sind, können wir hier nicht das ganze Programm auflisten. Die Grafik gibt aber einen Überblick, welche unserer Mitgliedsinstitute heute abend ihre Labore öffnen (Die Buchstaben beziehen sich auf die Kennzeichnung im offiziellen Programm der Langen Nacht).
Wenn Ihr Euch direkt zum cfaed informieren wollt, dann kommt doch einfach zu unserer zentralen Station am Barkhausenbau im Uni-Campus. Am Seiteneingang oberhalb des Teiches werdet Ihr von 18 - 23 Uhr cfaed-Leute treffen, die Euch etwas über das Cluster erzählen können und mit Euch Experimente durchführen werden, die einige unserer Forschungsthemen auf einfache und verständliche Weise darstellen.
Außerdem bietet Euch unser Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis (DCN) wieder die Möglichkeit, in kurzen Führungen das Labor kennenzulernen. Ein besonderes Highlight ist die Möglichkeit, sich fotografieren zu lassen und das Bild dann im Mikrometermaßstab im Elektronenmikroskop auf Silizium entstehen zu sehen. Wer schon immer mal Insekten oder verschiedene Metallproben ganz aus der Nähe durchs Elektronenmikroskop anschauen wollte, sollte das DCN auf keinen Fall verpassen!
Besucher des DCN zur Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften 2014.
Published on Fri, 12 Jun 2015 in NEWS
Are you fascinated by the latest innovations in the semiconductor industry?Are you interested in gaining practical first-hand and top expert knowledge?
Then don't waste time to apply to this year's Dresden Microelectronics Academy! GLOBALFOUNDRIES, X-FAB and cfaed (TU Dresden) will familiarize you with the fascinating world of semiconductors. Be part of a dialog on today’s and tomorrow’s challenges of this path-finding industry. Experience lectures and guided tours with industry professionals as a deep dive into one of the most compelling work environments for top engineers.
As an advanced student, postgraduate or postdoc, take the opportunity to get in touch with leading-edge semiconductor companies and to experience Dresden – Europe’s leading microelectronics location! We look forward to welcoming you to Dresden!
Read more … EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 14th Dresden Microelectronics Academy - cfaed Summer School
Published on Tue, 26 May 2015 in NEWS
The associations Dresden – Place to be! e.V., WOD – Initiative weltoffenes Dresden and Dresden für Alle together with the support of GWT-TUD and many other partners are planning a big public "eat & culture" event at the Altmarkt. For Children and parents, for couples and singles, for punks and suits, for meat eaters and vegetarians, for football fans and volleyball freaks, for neighbors and colleagues...Towards a common feast with many favorite foods brought by all participants, no matter if “Dresdner Eierschecke” or oriental couscous-salad. With discussion, music and dancing, games and many colorful ideas. If you like to join, please bring: crockery and cutlery, your favorite food and drink as well as plenty of hospitality and if you like some musical instruments, board games, juggling balls, hula hoops…Well-known institutions and associations like Semperoper, tjg. theater junge generation, Literaturhaus Villa Augustin, Kama e.V., Hellerau - Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden, Projekttheater Dresden, Dresdner Musikfestspiele, Ausländerbeirat, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Afropa e.V., Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Verkehrsmuseum Dresden and many others will also provide food, drinks, music, dance, lectures and performances… We look forward to many hosts, guests and an open and colorful event for everybody.
See Facebook event page and invite friends!
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