Published on Wed, 28 Oct 2015 in NEWS
To be “OR” “NOT” to be? You all may have heard this sentence quite often but for scientists “OR” and “NOT” are two very important logic functions which originates from Boolean algebra. George Boole the father of Boolean algebra was appointed in 1849 as the first professor of mathematics at Queen's College, Cork (now University College Cork) in Ireland. With my Inspire Grant 2015 I went to Cork at Tyndall National Institute and UCC to push the limit of logic functionalities in a silicon nanowire.
At nanofabrication facility Tyndall National Institute with my colleagues
An Indian dinner I cooked for my colleagues from TyndallTyndall National Institute is well known for their expertise in silicon nanowire electronics and I came up with a collaboration plan to visit Tyndall to accelerate the top-down nanowire fabrication plan embedded with in Silicon nanowire path. It was a successful visit as I achieved to make sub 20 nm silicon nanowires with industry combatable process. Special thanks to cfaed career development team and IHRS NanoNet for funding my trip.
Author: cfaed PhD candidate Dipjyoti Deb
Published on Mon, 26 Oct 2015 in NEWS
TUD's Graduate Academy offers a new program called 'GA Future Career Program' for PhD's and Postdocs who want to prepare for a career in industry. The program consists of 4 mandatory modules (career planning, project management, leadership, business oriented thinking and acting), starts in March 2016 and ends in July 2016.Unfortunately the courses will be in German only – so you would need at least an intermediate level of German to participate.
You can find more information about the program and the application process (deadline: 27.11.2015) on the website of Graduate Academy.
Published on Wed, 14 Oct 2015 in MEDIA REVIEW
Report on Organic Devices and Compiler Construction research at cfaed, based on a interview with Prof. Stefan Mannsfeld and Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon, lead by EE Times in the context of SEMICON Europa 2015
See the article on EE Times
Published on Thu, 08 Oct 2015 in PRESS RELEASES
Left photo (ltr): Prof. Frank Ellinger, Dr. Corrado Carta, David Fritsche, Laudator Prof. Thomas MikolajickRight photo (ltr): Thomas Hocker, Dennis Walter, Dr. Sebastian Höppner, Laudator Prof. Thomas Mikolajick
Der Cool Silicon e.V. hat gestern (7.10.2015) zum 2. Mal den Cool Award verliehen. Mit dem Preis werden neben Lösungen aus der Industrie auch exzellente wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen ausgezeichnet, die untersuchen, wie die Energieeffizienz im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie gesteigert werden kann. Dieses Jahr wurden der 1., 2. und 3. Platz in der Kategorie wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen (Forschung und Entwicklung) an Wissenschaftler der Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der TU Dresden verliehen.
Read more … Cool Award 2015 für cfaed-Wissenschaftler: Herausragende Leistungen für energieeffiziente IKT auf der SEMICON 2015 prämiert
Published on Fri, 02 Oct 2015 in NEWS
On 29 September, the native of India scientist Akash Kumar received the certificate of appointment from the Technical University of Dresden. The multiprocessor systems expert is now full professor of TU Dresden and the fourth appointed Strategic Professor of cfaed where he holds the Chair for Processor Design. In summer 2015, Prof. Kumar already spent a two-month research stay at TU Dresden. This period was a useful stepping stone for him to get familiar with his future workplace and to build up first scientific contacts and networks.
Akash Kumar received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in the area of embedded systems from National University of Singapore (NUS) joint with Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. From 2009, he was affiliated with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NUS and starting 2011 he worked there as an Assistant Professor. During that period, Prof. Kumar has published over 60 papers in leading international electronic design automation journals and conferences.
Read more … Fourth Strategic cfaed Professor: Akash Kumar appointed at TU Dresden
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