Published on Fri, 27 Nov 2015 in NEWS
Innovative research done in the desert at ambient temperatures of 110° Fahrenheit – this is possible at the Arizona State University (ASU) in the Phoenix metropolitan area, also called the Valley of the Sun. With special thanks to the cfaed Inspire Grants Program I was able to join Hao Yan’s lab at the Biodesign Institute of ASU to experience three months of innovative research, getting to know different cultures, and exploring Arizona’s world-famous natural monuments. These include the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, the Painted Desert, the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument and many more.
Hao Yan’s lab is one of the leading groups in the field of DNA nanotechnology and it was a great pleasure and honor for me to conduct research on switchable DNA platforms together with these scientists and in such a well-equipped and modern laboratory. The work focused on the development of a DNA template structure for the assembly of gold nanoparticles towards plasmonic waveguides that comprise of a switchable unit to study the actual plasmon transport. In this way the work contributes to the understanding and development of self-assembled nanostructures for future electronic or photonic elements investigated in the Biomolecular-Assembled Circuits path of cfaed. I am very thankful for the support and funding by the Cluster.
Published on Wed, 25 Nov 2015 in NEWS
Two scientists of TU Dresden succeeded in the second call for proposals of the European Research Council, “Proof of Concept Grants”. One of them is cfaed's Strategic Professor Xinliang Feng (Chair for Molecular Functional Materials) who has been honored for his project concerning electrochemical delamination of graphite. The honored scientists will now receive a sponsorship up to EUR 150,000 which will contain a study about the viability of commercial utilization of the excellent research results. To apply for the sponsorship it was required that the scientists and projects had already been promoted by ERC. With the “Proof of Concept Grant” the ERC wants to make a contribution to growth and innovation in the European Union.
Read this news in German on the page of Saxony Liaison Office Brussels
Published on Mon, 23 Nov 2015 in NEWS
cfaed's cooperating institute Kurt-Schwabe-Institut für Mess- und Sensortechnik e.V. Meinsberg in 2015 solemnizes its 70th anniversary. Recently the institute held a ceremony to celebrate this jubilee, joined by many high-level visitors. The Saxon Minister of Science and Arts, Dr. Eva-Maria Stange held a short welcoming speech saying that „at Kurt-Schwabe-Institut für Mess- und Sensortechnik e.V. Meinsberg chemists, physicians, biologists, and engineers work together very tightly. The institute with its distinguished competence concerning measuring and sensor technology is an important partner in regional and transregional networks, joint projects and research with other science institutes, universities and companies. In doing so, the institute always succeeded in relating results of fundamental research with practical aims.“, emphasized the minister. In the past years, she said, the Institute – since 2010 led by cfaed Principal Investigator Prof. Michael Mertig – achieved outstanding scientific results.
Read more … 70 years of KSI Meinsberg: Congratulations from Saxon Minister of Science
Published on Fri, 20 Nov 2015 in PRESS RELEASES
This week the 5G Lab Germany at TU Dresden was recognized during ground breaking presentations on national and international level by its two coordinators Prof. Frank Fitzek and Prof. Gerhard Fettweis.
Read more … Great Opportunity for 5G Lab Germany: Presentation at German National IT Summit 2015
Published on Wed, 18 Nov 2015 in NEWS
On Friday, the 13th of November, a HAEC paper by written by David Schöniger, Ronny Henker and Frank Ellinger received the Best Student Paper Award of IEEE International Microwave and Optoelectronic Conference (IMOC) 2015 in Porto Galinhas, Brazil. The paper is titled “A High-Speed Energy-Efficient Inductor-Less Transimpedance Amplifier with Adjustable Gain for Optical Chip-to-Chip Communication”. The results were achieved within the HAEC project "A07: Energy-Adaptive Optical Onboard Links for Inter-Chip Communication".
The proposed Transimpedance Amplifier (TIA) outperforms all other published TIAs with adjustable performance to date. It shows the highest bandwidth and in comparison with fabricated TIAs the lowest power consumption and hence the best energy efficiency. Compared to silicon based implementations with adjustable gain the highest reported gain bandwidth product is achieved.
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