5th International Symposium on Emerging Memory and Computing (ISMC)
The 5th International Symposium on Emerging Memory and Computing (ISMC), is scheduled to take place in Sofia, Bulgaria on June 3–7, 2025! The journey began with the 1st Symposium held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University from September 22–24, 2017. Building on its success, the 2nd Symposium was hosted in Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, from August 31 to September 1, 2018, followed by the 3rd Symposium held online and hosted by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University from May 26–29, 2021, and the 4th symposium in present at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University January 9–11, 2025. This highly anticipated international symposium brings together distinguished researchers, engineers, and experts from across the globe to exchange their latest findings and insights in the rapidly evolving field of emerging memory and computing. The symposium in 2025 will also feature an editorial session meeting the participant with editors from Nature, Wiley, IOP, etc.
- Materials and devices for emerging memory and computing
- Advanced and beyond von Neumann computer architectures
- Advanced characterisation techniques
- Machine learning algorithms
- Special session on Iontronics
- Session with editors from Nature and Wiley
- Emerging applications
Submit your abstract and register here: https://ismc2025.com/
TRR404 @ Girls' Day 2025
TRR PIs are very keen on promoting their research areas to children and are offering the following activities in this year's Girls' Day:
- Diana Göhringer (TU Dresden): Programmiere unseren Roboter Pepper
- Stuart Parkin (MPI MSP, Halle): Forschung hautnah: Magnetismus, Mikroskopie und Reinraum am Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik
- Bernd Rellinghaus (TU Dresden, DCN): Faszination Smartphone – Mikroskopie miterlebt
- Max Lemme, Maryam Mohammadi, Zhenxing Wang (AMO, Aachen): Entdecke Technologie mit viel Zukunft: Die Nanotechnologie
- Jens Trommer (naMLab gGmbH, Dresden): Think Big - Make Nano
3rd NC-Day 2025
On behalf of the research projects NEUROTEC and NeuroSys, please be kindly invited to 3rd Neuromorphic Computing Day at Forschungszentrum Jülich.
Event Details:
- Date: May 21st-22nd 2025
- Location: Forschungszentrum Jülich
Join us for a day filled with inspiring talks, discussions, and networking opportunities centered around the latest developments in neuromorphic computing.
More information, including the agenda and registration details, will follow here shortly.
We are hiring!
We are now looking for highly motivated scientists to join our PI Team. Positions are available at all involved institutions
Please check out our vacancies here! We are looking forward to receiving your application.
Device Research Conference 2025 (DRC) - Invited Speaker: Max Lemme
This year marks the 83rd anniversary of the DRC—the longest-running device research meeting in the world. The high-caliber technical sessions are highlighted by plenary talks and invited talks by international research pioneers and leaders behind modern electronic technology.
The TRR404 is proudly represented by one of the invited keynote speakers: Prof. Max Lemme. Prof. Lemme is the Co-Speaker of our TRR404 and will speak about his topic: 2D Devices on CMOS and Photonic Chips, Flexible Electronics.
One of the TRR's Friendly Advisors - Prof. Walter Weber of TU Wien - is also a keynote speaker at this year's DRC.
Success: TRR404 Granted
Please find more information in the first press release!