cfaed Publications

CINM (Cinnamon): A Compilation Infrastructure for Heterogeneous Compute In-Memory and Compute Near-Memory Paradigms


Asif Ali Khan, Hamid Farzaneh, Karl F. A. Friebel, Clément Fournier, Lorenzo Chelini, Jeronimo Castrillon, "CINM (Cinnamon): A Compilation Infrastructure for Heterogeneous Compute In-Memory and Compute Near-Memory Paradigms", arXiv, Jan 2023. [doi]


author = {Khan, Asif Ali and Farzaneh, Hamid and Friebel, Karl F. A. and Fournier, Clément and Chelini, Lorenzo and Castrillon, Jeronimo},
title = {CINM (Cinnamon): A Compilation Infrastructure for Heterogeneous Compute In-Memory and Compute Near-Memory Paradigms},
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2301.07486},
url = {},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International},
month = jan,
publisher = {arXiv},
year = {2023},


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