Chair News

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The Chair for Compiler Construction will host Mrs Hasna Bouraoui as a guest PhD student for about a year. Hasna is currently doing her PhD under the supervision of Prof. Nejib Hadj Alouane, National Engineering School of Tunis ( ENIT) , OASIS Laboratory. She works with parallel implementations of speech processing algorithms. At the CC Chair, Hasna will use our languages and compilers to help her obtain a good parallel implementation. Hasna’s stay was motivated by a successful collaboration between Prof. Castrillon and Prof. Chadlia Jerad, Hasna’s co-spervisor. We are very happy to host Hasna and are looking forward to the outcome of her stay. 

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The Chair for Compiler Construction welcomes Christian Menard, a new researcher, to the team. Christian has a Diploma degree on Information Systems Technology (Diplom Informationssystemtechnik) from the TU Dresden. In his diploma thesis, he worked on a compiler for KPN applications for the Tomahawk architecture from the Vodafone Chair (under supervision of Andres Goens). As of May 2016, Christian will work in the Orchestration Path, together with Fazal Hameed on Post-CMOS systems. We are really happy to have Christian with us!

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Prof. Castrillon, as path leader of the Orchestration path,  is one of  four organizers of the Dagstuhl Seminar: "Wildly Heterogeneous Post-CMOS Technologies Meet Software", February 5–10, 2017. The aim of this seminar is to bring together computer scientists with experts in emerging technologies and researchers working interdisciplinarily across the fields, to foster a mutual understanding about the challenges and opportunities of advancing computing beyond current CMOS technology.


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Prof. Castrillon and Sven Karol organized a thematic session on "Program transformation and analysis approaches for future computing systems" at the Spring 2016 HiPEAC Computing Systems Week in the wonderful city of Porto. The session comprised three invited talks and one keynote. The keynote was given by Eric Verhulst (Altreonic) on a more industrial perspective on formal methods and interacting entities in the VirtuosoNext RTOS. Christophe Dubach from the University of Edinburgh presented the recent work of his group on "High performance GPU Code Generation using Rewrite Rules". Manuel Carro (IMDEA Software Institute) talked about "Program Transformations for Heterogeneous Architectures: the POLCA Project" describing recent results of the POLCA project. Sven Karol from the CC Chair gave a talk on "Using Rewritable Attribute Grammars for Semantic-Aware Code Transformations" which describes his very recent work on applying attribute grammars and rewriting in the domain of chemical information processing.

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From April 18-20 2016, Prof. Axel Sikora (HS Offenburg, Germany) and Prof. Chadlia Jerad organized a “Get-together towards a sustainable collaboration in IoT”. The Chair for Compiler Construction contributed with a presentation on “Programming Heterogeneous Embedded Systems for IoT”, where he discussed dataflow-based programming models and their potential role to handle the challenge of programming the highly heterogeneous and distributed systems in the IoT era. 



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here is the RoSI logo

We are currently seeking for an excellent PhD student for the next phase of the "Rolebased Software Infrastructures for continuous-context-sensitive Systems" (RoSI) research training group. Deadline for applications is on April 28th. Please have a look at our vacancies page for more information.

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We welcome Gerald Hempel to the Chair for Compiler Construction. Gerald will play a key role in a collaborative project between the Orchestration Path and the Biological Systems Path in Cfaed, that seeks to apply Bio-inspired algorithms (e.g., from the MOSAIC group) to the problems of Software Synthesis we deal with at the chair. Gerald has a background in Computer Science from the TU Dresden and is about to obtain his PhD from the same institution (under the supervision of Prof. C. Hochberger). During his PhD, Gerald worked on a compiler that automatically generates hardware accelerators for FPGA-SoC architectures. We are glad to have Gerald on board and are looking forward for exciting results in this collaboration!


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The Orchestration Path and the Chair for Compiler Construction welcome Dr. Fazal Hameed to the TU Dresden. Fazal has a background in electronic engineering and computer science. He obtained his PhD in department of Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, at the group of Prof. Jörg Henkel, in February, 2015. Fazal worked on DRAM-aware last level cache policies for multi-core systems and has ample experience with emerging memory technologies. In the Orchestration Path, Fazal will work on system-level integration of components that will be built in the future on top of the technologies under development in the material paths of Cfaed. We are very glad to welcome Fazal to the chair team and the larger Orchestration Team!


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TV Screenshot Prof. Castrillon

MDR TV visited us to find out how the 'Exzellenz-Initiative' strengthens research at TU Dresden. Interview with Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon, and some shots from the DNA-Labs of Dr. Thorsten Schmidt.

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Prof. Castrillon co-organized and presented at a tutorial co-located with the prestigious International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), held on October 18th, 2015 in San Francisco, CA USA. Prof. Castrillon talked about dataflow programming models and how they can be used to program heterogeneous computing systems. In the same week, Prof. Castrillon was invited to give a talk at the “Design of Robotics and Embedded systems, Analysis, and Modeling Seminar” (DREAMS) at UC Berkeley. He talked about “Analysis and software synthesis of KPN applications” and had an hour slot devoted to meet and discuss research directions with PhD students and Postdocs of the same university.