Chair News

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Lecture title: Compilers for Multi and Many Processor Systems
This event will be a joint lecture of Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon and Prof. Thorsten Strufe, who is professor for Privacy and Security at Technische Universität Dresden. His contribution is titled "Privacy vs. Surveillance and Censorship in Online Services".
The inaugural lectures will be followed by a small reception.
Time: 16:30-17:30
Venue: Andreas Pfitzmann Building, room E023
Click here to see full information and abstracts

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Markus Vogt Welcome, Markus! Markus joined the Chair for Compiler Construction in January 2015. He has a background in embedded systems, with a Diploma from TU Dresden. In the past he has been working on hardware/software codesign and development-tools targeting FPGA-based embedded systems. His current work is on automated extraction and integration of hardware accelerators from C-Code.

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The Chair for Compiler Construction, together with Prof. Chadlia Jerad from ENSI (École Nationale des Sciences de l’Informatique) and ENIT (École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis) organized a Winter School on “Design, Programming and Applications of Multi-Processor System on Chip”. The Winter School was held in Tunis, Tunisia during the week of the 24th of November and enjoyed a not-so-wintery, sunny atmosphere with over 20 degrees.
The school addressed different topics, from hardware (e.g., customized processors, hardware accelerators, coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures, networks on chip and multicore design), software tools and methodologies (e.g., high-level and behavioral synthesis, compilers and languages for multi-processor systems, electronic system level design and verification). The technical agenda was closed with presentations and discussions around the links between the embedded and high-performance computing communities. The school was sponsored mostly by the DAAD Transformationspartnerschaft program, which allowed to put together a high-end group of lecturers like Prof. Nagel (TU Dresden), Prof. Teich (University Erlangen-Nuremberg), Prof. Leupers (RWTH Aachen), Prof. Chattopadhyay (NTU Singapore) and Prof. Bertozzi (University of Ferrara) among others. The school was well attended with over 30 participants from different backgrounds and career stages (master students, Tunisian and German PhD students and local professors).
More information here

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From mid November, the Chair for Compiler Construction completed the first hiring round and has now three excellent researchers. We are very glad to welcome our new Postdoc researchers Sven and Norman. Sven has a background in computer science. He worked on domain-specific language engineering and well-formed software composition during his doctorate at the TU Dresden.  Norman has a background in mathematics, with a doctoral degree from the Cambridge University. During the last years, Norman worked on compilers for GPU architectures for an international company in the area of telecommunications.

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andres goens

As from October, the Chair for Compiler Construction has its first research assistant! Andrés has a background in mathematics, with a Master Degree from the RWTH Aachen University. During the last year, Andrés worked on optimizing memory allocation for multicore architectures. We are very glad to have Andrés on board!

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On September 11, Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon gave an invited talk on “Languages and tools for efficient parallel programming” at the chair for Embedded Systems Architecture headed by Prof. Ben Juurlink at the TU Berlin. Jeronimo presented the structure of the TUD Cluster of Excellence cfaed and talked about programming models and tools for embedded heterogeneous multi-processor systems. The talk was followed by discussions for concrete cooperation possibilities with Prof. Juurlink and his Postdoc Dr. M. Álvarez.

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castrillon plakette

On September 5, Jeronimo Castrillon was awarded the “Borchers Plakette” for his dissertation on “Programming Heterogeneous MPSoCs: Tool Flows to Close the Software Productivity Gap”. This medal is awarded yearly by the RWTH Aachen University to the best doctoral graduates.