Chair News

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The chair for compiler construction presented a paper at the SAMOS conference, on July 17th, 2017. SAMOS is a unique conference in a great location dealing with embedded systems. Its specialty lies in the relaxed atmosphere which fosters collaboration rather than competition. The formal sessions in the mornings are followed by informal activities in the afternoon that give enough room for discussion. Christian Menard presented the work "System Simulation with gem5 and SystemC: The Keystone for Full Interoperability". This work combines the benefits of the industry dominating SystemC standard with the openness of the research-oriented gem5 simulation framework. This is the result of a collaboration with Matthias Jung from Fraunhofer IESE and TU Kaiserslautern


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The PhD students, postdocs and investigators of the Orchestration Path met from 3rd to 5th July for the annual retreat in Altenberg on the ridge of the Eastern Ore Mountains (Osterzgebirge). Most of the time was dedicated to intense working sessions about collaborative projects and future research ideas. Additionally, the invited talk by Diana Göhringer, the new professor for adaptive dynamic systems at the faculty of computer science, and the participation of Steffen Lange and Jens Karschau two postdocs from the Biological Systems Path have been used to discuss and initiate future collaborations. We also enjoyed the nice weather on a short hiking tour to Kahleberg. From the CC Chair, Fazal Hameed, Andres Goens, Christian Menard and Norman Rink attended together with Prof. Castrillon. We discussed various topics, including domain-specific languages for physics simulation, compiler-generated variants for runtime adaptivity and a system simulator infrastructure for emerging technologies. 

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Norman Rink received the best paper award at the Automotive 2017 for his paper entitled “Extending a Compiler Backend for Complete Memory Error Detection”. The conference took place in Stuttgart from 30 to 31 May. The Automotive conference is a focused venue with top automotive players from Germany, where software reliability issues are addressed from different perspectives. Norman’s work shows how many potential errors are left unprotected when doing software transformation at the source code level or at the level of the compiler intermediate representation. He corrects this by adding error protection in the backend phase of the compiler.


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We welcome Tanveer Ahmad to Chair for Compiler Construction. Tanveer received his Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering (2009) from the Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan and Master degree in Computer Engineering (2016) from the University of Engineering & Technology Lahore, Pakistan. He joined PowerSoft19 in 2011 where he worked on different energy-efficient ARM processor cores and RTOS for developing safety-critical embedded systems. At the CC Chair, Tanveer will work on “Design and Management of Heterogeneous Memory Systems“ together with Fazal Hameed. This project aims to provide the hardware and software support required for integrating heterogeneous memory resources in the multi-core systems. We are glad to have Tanveer with us and looking forward to working with him.

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From the 29.05.2017 to the 09.06.2017, Prof. Isaza and Prof. Velasquez visited the CC Chair. They are both assistant professors at the Department of Electronics Engineering of the University of Antioquia (UdeA), Colombia, and are members of the SISTEMIC lab. Prof. Isaza’s and Prof. Velasquez’s visit took place in the context of the TU Dresden’s internationalization strategy “TU Dresden - Mit der Welt Verbunden”, funded by guests@TUD. During their visit, Prof. Isaza and Prof. Velasquez discussed research cooperation possibilities with members of the CC Chair, members of the cfaed Excellence Cluster and researchers of the Computer Science Department of the TU Dresden. They also contributed a talk to the “cfaed Seminar Series”, entitled “Tackling the computational challenges of DNA data compression and computer architecture simulation”. We thank the TU Dresden and the UdeA for their support, and specially, Prof. Isaza and Prof. Velasquez for their time. We are looking forward to continuing collaborations with the SISTEMIC lab. 


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We welcome Asif Ali Khan to the Chair for Compiler Construction. Asif received his bachelor and master degrees from the Department of Computer Systems Engineering (DCSE), University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar Pakistan in 2012 and 2015 respectively. After his graduation in 2012, Mr. Khan was with PeopleLogic Pakistan as System Programmer where he worked on various ARM processors. In September 2013, he joined DCSE as lecturer. Asif joins the group with a a DAAD scholarship. At the CC Chair, Asif will work on "Languages and Compilers for Systems with Heterogeneous Memories" together with Fazal Hameed. This project aims to provide the programming and compilation support required for exposing memory-heterogeneity to the application programmer. We are glad to have Asif with us and looking forward to working with him.

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In April 21st, 2017, Prof. Castrillon was selected as a member of the ACM Future of Computing Academy (FCA), a new initiative by ACM to support and foster the next generation of computing professionals. Over 300 applicants from academia and industry applied to become members of this inaugural class of the ACM FCA. A selected group of 45 members will meet for the first time in San Francisco, USA, on June 25, after attending the ACM’s celebration of 50 years of the ACM Turing Award on June 23 - 24 at the Westin St. Francis. To the ACM FCA, Prof. Castrillon will contribute his vision of the future of computing systems with a cfaed perspective. We are very proud of being part of the ACM FCA and are looking forward to see how it develops. 


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The chair for compiler construction had two papers during the DATE week, from March 27th to 31st, 2017. DATE is the main European event bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers and vendors, as well as specialists in the hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. Fazal Hameed presented his paper at the main conference on “Rethinking On-chip DRAM Cache for Simultaneous Performance and Energy Optimization” in a session that discussed novel memory designs and efficient mapping in flash storage. Norman Rink gave a presentation at the co-located event “Workshop on Resiliency in Embedded Electronic Systems (REES 2017)”. Norman talked about “flexMEDiC: flexible Memory Error Detection by Combined Data Encoding and Duplication”.

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We welcome Nesrine Khouzami to the Chair for Compiler Construction. Nesrine received her bachelor and masters degrees from the Superior National Engineering School of Tunis. She then joined the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) for about a year and a half. At the CC Chair, Nesrine will work on domain specific languages (e.g., for computational biology) in the high-performance computing domain. We are glad to have Nesrine with us and are looking forward to working with her.